Privately-held businesses face increasingly complex challenges in the quest to grow in size and profitability.
Business owners deal with a myriad of questions every day:
- How do we grow beyond traditional markets?
- How can we diversify our product lines?
- How do we market and sell our products abroad?
Fogarty Partners understands these questions and helps privately-held businesses meet the challenge of doing business in the 21st century.
Case Study – We help our client ease the financial pressure from their bank
We were appointed as accountants and business advisors to a medical practice. The client ran a number of businesses under the management of a CEO and had a large property portfolio.
The client was under financial pressure from their existing bank who had engaged an independent expert to prepare a report on their business. Managing Partner, Matt Fogarty worked to establish a new banking relationship which the client accepted and assisted in the smooth transition between banks.
Ongoing Services
Fogarty Partners provided the following ongoing services:
- Year End Accounting and taxation.
- Monthly management reporting including KPI, ratio and variance analysis.
- Preparation of the annual budgets for the business with the key stakeholders.
- Ongoing business cashflow review and management.
- Attendance at monthly advisory board meetings and presentation of the monthly financial report to the key stakeholders.
- Ongoing advisory work with the business CEO and Business Owner.
Fogarty Partners worked with the client to achieve the following outcomes:
- Managing Partner, Matt Fogarty joined the client’s advisory board.
- Presented and updated the business owner on ongoing and future taxation liabilities.
- Assisted the client with estate planning matters, structuring of existing and new business as well as investments.
- Ongoing assistance with the business banking relationship and attendance to new or increases in the finance facilities as required and a reduction in interest rates.
- Liaised with risk insurance professionals regarding significant savings obtained on clients’ life insurance premiums, with no reduction in cover.
- Assisted the CEO and business owner through a venture capital acquisition of the businesses including
- Working with the legal team in regards to the contract and providing assistance to the purchaser through the due diligence process.
- Assisting and working with the purchase advisers on the purchaser’s financial modelling.
- Ongoing reporting to the purchaser through the due diligence and contract process.